You Weren’t Born For An Ordinary Life

You weren't destined to get things done in a cookie-cutter manner, you weren't destined to adjust to routine and make a cursory effort – you were conceived for quite a lot more.
 You were conceived for enchantment and leaving an effect. You were destined to have any kind of effect in individuals' lives and accomplish your enormous dreams. You were destined to be splendid, not standard, so please don’t give up just yet.
 It’s time to stop doing what you think you’re supposed to be doing and start doing the things that make you giddy, the things that make your stomach feel like a million exclamation marks are exploding. Start doing things that challenge you and make you want to be a better person. Start investing in yourself and start creating your dreams, instead of slaving away over someone else’s.
You are capable of so much and you should never settle.

Try not to agree to love, or connections, or in a vocation – your time is excessively important for you, making it impossible to waste it being hopeless. There are an excessive number of ways and streets to take to remain on one that isn't making you feel invigorated and in adoration with everything around you.
 Try not to make due with somebody who doesn't regard you or treat you like a need. Try not to get hung up on individuals whose consideration you need to battle for. Try not to be the one giving your everything to a relationship that would promptly fall without your upkeep. Try not to lose your fantasies and your soul to a vocation that scarcely enables you to carry on with the life you've generally longed for.
 There are a huge number of ways in this life and every individual strolls an alternate one. Everybody one of us has an alternate story, an alternate foundation, and an alternate dream – no two are precisely the same and that is the thing that makes us so novel.
 You weren't conceived for standard, you weren't destined to take after the group and capitulate to schedule.
 Routine is the thing that executes individuals while they're as yet alive, it's what makes individuals lose intrigue and prevents individuals from pursuing their fantasies.

Don’t let yourself settle or become comfortable. Don’t allow yourself to ease into the comfort zone because that’s where dreams go to die.
You are brilliant and wonderful, and capable of so much but it’s easy to get lost in this world when you don’t know where you’re going. It’s easy to fall into a routine, it’s easy to just stay because it’s what you’ve become used to, and it’s easy to forget all the greatness you have inside of you when you’re used to doing the same work over and over.
Getting out of the routine you’re in is hard but it’s worth it because you weren’t born for ordinary – you were born for so much more.
Break out of your routine, make changes, quit anything that doesn’t make your cells dance and pursue what will. Ditch the unfulfilling relationships, cut the toxic people out, ask for what you want and never feel bad for chasing your dreams. You are capable of so much more than you give yourself credit for.
There’s an entire world out there waiting for you to leave your mark, it’s time to stop settling and go after it. I believe in you.
